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About Me
Rob McKee is a self-taught artist from the midwest who gained recognition for his captivating and unique content on the social media platform, TikTok. Rob's TikTok account, @aahhhhhrt, features short videos showcasing various forms of art and creative expression. Focusing on time-lapses and other short-form videos, he has built up a small community in which he helps teach and answer questions from other rising artists.
Rob's interest in art began at a young age, and he has since honed his skills as an artist, developing a unique style that blends intricate designs, patterns, and textures with humor and whimsy.
Rob uses an Ipad pro 11" and Procreate to create all of his designs.
He's not sure what will come of the future, but one day he hopes to make this hobby a career and be able to make a living off of his art. Taking the oddities of the world and making them whimsical and humorous.